28 February 2013

Sinking Into Memories

An incessant beat of old melody
Clings to my ears so firmly
As I step into a quiescent journey
To the realm of past secrecy
Hidden deep in the midst of history

Down in the street of the erstwhile city
A youth walking tall in vanity
In black jacket and leather boots, hiding innocency
And a careless mind neglecting purity
Like an eagle soaring the sky, young and free

Under a gray sky, pale and gloomy
I see him dwell in uncertainty
In an enclosed cube of fantasy
Drifting in strong waves of confused philosophy
Colored with deep sorrow and ecstasy

Deep in the bygone valley
Remains of wasted time lie sadly
Murdered in the empty void unintentionally
And buried beneath an obscure verdancy
Nothing but worthless cries to accompany

Beyond the four faded walls lies his mansion
Shattered love and tears, his deep emotion
Heavy riffs and melodies, his strong passion
Words and honesty, his failed aspiration
Loneliness and emptiness, his sad affliction

Suddenly the gray outcast sky darkens
And soon the rain arrives in silence
The voice fades and the scene blackens
Colors bleed into the wet barren
I quickly run for a sheltering haven

In the darkness of the past, lost astray
I open my eyes to find a flash of sun ray
Rouse to the brightness of the present day
To walk abreast with time outside delay
Leaving memories in the hall of yesterday

A poem about someone who sank deep into thoughts of his youth days; longing for the freedom he felt during the period and regretting some of the decisions he made in the past, lifestyle he developed, time he misspent and worthless relationships he entered into. His musing was then interrupted and as he woke up from his daydream, he quickly realized that it is the exchange of joy and hardships that makes life colorful and it is the responsibilities shouldered that make life fruitful. He also realized that life is meaningful when we live it to the fullest with what we are blessed with rather than mourning the past and thinking of what we don't have.

Photography by Pu3huk.


  1. Zunnur, this is indeed a very well-expressed poem and I love it! You're sharing with us the deep thoughts of the youth and how beautifully you penned it. The past is always in the hearts of many of us. It brings some kind of bittersweet memories. But we have to leave behind the bitterness and move abreast with time.

    I really like the whole poem and the last stanza is so inspiring. This is a very nice read for me today. Thanks for sharing. :)

  2. Beautiful poem, I like the depth of poetry with a very good ending.
    I agree with you that we should not live in past, we should always try to make our present beautiful.

  3. We all cling to the past at times, It's okay if it is temporary! If we do that for the longer period it damages our future too!

    Thanks for sharing this inspiring poem :)

  4. Amazing writings and beatiful thought. So much wisdom in this post. It makes one feels.and think.
    Thanks for sharing. By the way, thanks for visiting too:)

  5. I guess, at some point or other, we all feel like this. May be the time forces such heavy emotions. I loved the way you have written and weaved the poem, specially the way you mentioned him in the alleys, then his four walls ( metaphor) and his traits. Ending it by bringing to the present and on what he is pondering is perfect. A poem with lots of layers.

  6. Life happens when we wake up.

    Breakfast After 10

  7. Very well created poem you have about your youth. At the beginning of the poem, it would give you that feel of a vibrant youth...:)


  8. You begin to open up in your writing. And I immediately feel the pulse of life underneath your words.

    Do not be afraid.

    This was a unique reflection.

  9. This poem makes me nostalgic of my days as a carefree kid. And I don't mind going back over and over again.

    ✗ℴ ♡

    +To Me It Matters+

  10. Beeeeautifully expressed poem, Zunnur!

    Honestly, you are a very gifted writer!

    And I really liked this in your epilogue....

    "He also realized that life is meaningful when we live it to the fullest with what we are blessed with rather than mourning the past and thinking of what we don't have."

    That is spot on true!

  11. I love this and all it stands for. We really don't have time to dwell in the past--we have to live in the here and now and learn to appreciate the blessings we have today!
    Zunnur--just thought I'd let you know about a little collaboration I am doing lately since you love poetry. I am writing with another blogger named Jon Whiting who is a good photographer and he is putting his beautiful photos to my poetry. If you would like to check out our first post together, you can find us at: http://jonwhiting55.blogspot.com Thanks again for sharing your lovely poem--you really are a talented writer!

  12. Zunnur, this is an amazing poem, I can relate to it so much. Recently, I have come to understand how useless it is to dwell in the negative of the past. I am learning how to stay in the now, and continue moving forward with hope and a positive attitude. I have learned a lot from my past, but I don' need to stay in my past.

  13. Beautiful reflection, Zunnur! We learn many things as we grow up. Hopefully, we live our days truly worthy of them.

  14. Hey Zunnur! This poem was extraordinary!
    The meaning and words, so profound and heart-felt. Each line struck a chord somewhere.... Beyond this, I'm lost for words.

  15. Expressed so well.. I could imagine myself in such situation and am glad after the rain came the sun rays... Living life to the fullest is very important.. we all know but seldom apply..

  16. Hello Zunnur,
    I have nominated your wonderful blog for YOUR BLOG IS FABULOUS AWARD.
    The best part is that it has no rules attached to it.You can check it out on my blog.

  17. What a coincidence that my latest post is also something about the mistakes and wrong decisions of youth. This is a well-penned poem. Excellent. Just excellent.

  18. Very nice. And a beautiful pic to go with it.

  19. LOVE those pictures & great writing.

    please follow back if you can!

    Chelsea m.


  20. What an exhilrating piece! Simply worth doing a retrospection. We all have gone through the same at some point in time, but getting over it is what life is all about !
    "Suddenly the gray outcast sky darkens And soon the rain arrives in silence"
    Each line is beautifully carved but I loved the essence that was bestowed by these two... Take care buddy !

  21. You have not been writing.

  22. Enjoyed that, Zunnur. We do have memories and regrets but your message at the end is great - Today is the first day of the rest of our lives. Let's enjoy it.

  23. Beautiful words...how are you doing Zunnur

  24. I give you two thumb, very good poem :)
    thank you, visit my blog:
    kejadian langka

  25. As salam Zunnur. How are you? It's been awhile. Please, keep writing. Regards, Balqis

  26. You haven’t been writing. I wish you well Zunnur.


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